The Committee decided to create the Position of On-site Manager and find the right person to fill the role. A sub-committee of Tony Richards, Mike Orlainsky and Clive Abbott was appointed to the task. They completed the job specifications and advertised for candidates. Interviews were conducted and Greg Taylor was appointed. Greg has been in the position for several years now and his skills have meant significant dollars saved in maintenance together with the ability to monitor behaviour by tenants
The acquisition of a quality high pressure cleaner has meant that work that previously required outside contractors is now done by the on-site manager
The acquisition of a robot pool cleaner has kept the pool in top condition and reduced chemical requirements
The Committee has kept a very close eye on expenditures which has resulted in a couple of years with no increases in Body Corporate Fees for owners. This has been achieved in spite of an increase in compulsory Insurance of around $40,000 last year. Some of the administrative work that would normally be performed by the Body Corporate Manager for a fee is being performed instead by Committee members.
Security cameras have been installed at the entrance to all basement car parks, at both front entry and exit gates and at the pool area. Resulting video is transmitted wirelessly to a recorder and available for inspection in the event of an incident or accident
The concept of this dedicated web site came from Committee Members Tony Richards and Clive Abbott. The site has been built by Clive Abbott and he will be it's Moderator under the control of the Committee.
The primary aim is to improve public perceptions of the complex with a good looking and effective web site which really shows off our apartments and surroundings, something which no other complex has. This should set us apart as a high quality and attractive complex and help to raise values to a more appropriate level over time. We all have an amazing asset here which has just not performed as you would hope. The web site will also open up an easy channel for communication between owners and your Committee.
The "Owners" page will only be accessible by log in, as it contains material that is not for public consumption. Owners need to provide us with their mobile phone number and email address in order to be able to log in. Please confirm your email and mobile phone number to for us to create your login
This informative and appealing web site has convinced two Real Estate Agents who are owners in the complex and who live here to offer their services to other owners, who can be secure in the knowledge that their property will be in the best of hands
Greg Taylor and Clive Abbott are available to manage and rent your property or sell it for you. Nothing beats having an Agent who has "skin in the game" working for you.
The complex has a number of residents who enjoy doing work in the gardens but these helpful people actually create a significant liability for the Body Corporate in the event that they fall or injure themselves. An Indemnity Form has been created and must be executed before voluntary gardening or maintenance work can be performed. The permission of the Caretaker must be sought prior to commencing work.
To see the Form, click on Read More below:
I hereby agree that Body Corporate for Paradise Palms Country Club - The Keys Community Titles Scheme CTS 38177, situated at 168-174 Moore Road Kewarra Beach 4879 shall not be liable for any loss, damage or personal injury suffered by me whilst I am carrying out any voluntary work around the complex, either in the buildings or the grounds, whether directly or indirectly arising out of any act or omission by Body Corporate for Paradise Palms Country Club - The Keys Community Titles Scheme CTS 38177.
It is the policy of Body Corporate for Paradise Palms Country Club - The Keys Community Titles Scheme CTS 38177 that the essential conditions of performing voluntary work are:
I acknowledge being informed of the above INDEMNITY AND ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS and by signing below, agree without reservation to Body Corporate for Paradise Palms Country Club - The Keys Community Titles Scheme CTS 38177 Indemnity Waiver terms and conditions.
Name: Unit No: Signature:
Emergency contact person/phone
Agreed Scope of voluntary work: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Authorised by:
Resident Manager/Body Corporate Chairperson (delete one) Signature: Date:
There have been significant initiatives taken by your Body Corporate Committee under the banner of ‘Communications’, the secure Owners page of this website being just one of many.
Initially the Committee operated with members using their own personal/business emails for communication, data, documents and more. Some data was separately stored on Stratamax. It obviously worked but inevitably did create a few problems. A broad review was undertaken which identified several key points, with some listed below:
● Communication and information sharing with Owners was limited.
● The Keys Apartments as a property had almost nil presence or image in the public domain apart from real estate listings. This commercial information being generated and promoted was not necessarily always accurate either.
● Security of Committee correspondence and document sharing etc relied on individual’s computer systems and back-up.
● Potential loss of data from changes with committee members.
● Email communication for and behalf of The Keys distributed to commercial/business related entities using personal emails.
The Committee through Clive Abbott, Tony Richards and Mike Orlainsky undertook to address the issues. Initially ‘The Keys News’ was launched as a priority for direct communication to Owners. It received positive reviews, however it did not support the other key points identified.
The Committee decided that a designated website promoting The Keys property in the public domain while including secure information for owners together with a dedicated email and data storage package incorporating the domain <> was the best solution. This provides for full backup and security of data/communication storage, whilst ensuring that historic data is not lost if a Committee member leaves. The website gives owners the ability to send emails to specific Committee members if they wish
The Keys property clearly has several unique features compared to most other apartment complexes. Its location adjacent to heritage rainforest and unique natural 113Ha wildlife environment was highlighted as the theme. A logo capturing these unique aspects together with the original The Keys font style was eventually finalised after numerous design changes and patient input from Keys resident, Studio 780.